Wedge Travel is a private travel club. Using a patented platform members can discreetly & securely share fractionally owned, chartered or privately owned aircraft with trusted travelers.

Share & Connect

Maintain your little black book of nominated members, be they family, friends or colleagues.

Invite guests to join. Using RevShare® and FracShare® features, manage all your bookings, announce upcoming trips and easily recover expenses using a simple payment tool.

Save Time

Reduce your trip planning from hours to minutes with our OnDemand® planning tools.

User friendly interface makes communicating easy, record keeping simple and accurate. Using the FAA Wizard™ you can ensure your trips stay within the law.

Save Money

The RevShare® service gives you a means to quickly and courteously recover the expenses of your trip while preserving your relationships.

FracShare® options allow you to use your fractional aircraft and recover legally permitted costs.

Your fellow travelers will be sent requests for payment - and if needed - automatic reminders. They can easily pay using their Wedge Travel account.

Any Provider

The Wedge compliments any aviation service provider, whether it is a fractional, charter, pre-paid card or your own aircraft.

You can track usage across operators and manage all trip costs, including reporting on all your aviation spending. 

Protect Yourself

Since you do not have time to learn all the rules, let our FAA Wizard™ do the work for you.

You will be given the correct FAA regime for each trip as well as records to ensure your travel expenses and plans meet current regulations.

Tax Records

The service makes it simple to track expenses.

As the IRS continues to scrutinize private aviation travel for business, you can rest assured that your travel expenses will be accurate.